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Monthly Report - December 2012
The December 2012 monthly report gives an outlook for the German economy for 2013 and 2014, elaborates on German enterprises’ profitability and financing in 2011 and explains calendar effects on economic activity.
Reforming the labor market and improving competitiveness: an analysis for Spain using FiMod Discussion paper 28/2011: Tim Schwarzmüller, Nikolai Stähler
431 KB, PDF
West German enterprises' profitability and financing in 1998 Article from the Monthly report March 2000
210 KB, PDF
Zu den Auswirkungen der Internationalisierung deutscher Unternehmen auf die inländische Investitionstätigkeit Monatsberichtsaufsatz Januar 2018
212 KB, PDF
The euro as an anchor currency and core of a currency bloc Article from the Monthly Report July 2012
Germany’s current account surplus: A problem to be fixed? Jens Südekum, Heinrich Heine University
491 KB, PDF
Globalisation and monetary policy Article from the Monthly report October 2007
826 KB, PDF