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Financial Stability Review 2018
Times of strong growth and low interest rates have seen vulnerabilities build up in the German financial system. In addition, the probability of an economic downturn has increased.
Monthly Report - July 2018
The July 2018 edition of the Bundesbank’s Monthly Report describes the ownership structure and the main drivers of yield movements in the market for Federal securities, and discusses the rebalancing of the Chinese economy as well as its international implications. It also includes an article on trends in the financing structure of German non-financial corporations as reflected in the corporate financial statement statistics.
Google data in bridge equation models for German GDP Discussion paper 18/2017: Thomas B. Götz, Thomas A. Knetsch
Monthly Report - October 2012
The October 2012 monthly report contains: The financial crisis and balance of payments developments within the euro area; The development of state government finances in Germany since 2005; The importance of trade credit for corporate financing in Germany – evidence from financial statements statistics; The use of cash and cashless payment instruments: a microeconomic analysis.
West German enterprises´ profitability and financing in 1999 Article from the Monthly report March 2001
217 KB, PDF
Balance of payments statistics – March 2020 Statistical Supplement 3 to the Monthly Report
Effects of eastward enlargement of the EU on the German economy Article from the Monthly report May 2004
290 KB, PDF