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Handbuch zu den AnaCredit-Validierungsregeln Version 9.0, gültig ab 01.02.2020
925 KB, PDF
The myth of the “cashless society”: How much of America’s currency is overseas? Edgar L. Feige
426 KB, PDF
Monthly Report – June 2021
The June 2021 edition of the Bundesbank’s Monthly Report outlines the outlook for the German economy for 2021 to 2023 and analyses how the central bank’s asset purchases increase the sensitivity of government finances to interest rate changes. It also features an article on central government debt and why interest payment premiums should be booked on an accrual basis, while, on the topic of local government debt, a further article discusses how local government budget imbalances can be avoided and cash advances limited.
Monthly Report - May 2019
The May 2019 edition of the Monthly Report comments on the economic situation in Germany in spring 2019.
The effect of investing abroad on investment at home: On the role of technology, tax savings, and internal capital markets Discussion paper 14/2017: Stefan Goldbach, Arne J. Nagengast, Elias Steinmüller, Georg Wamser
Zusammenfassung der geldpolitischen Sitzung des Rates der Europäischen Zentralbank am 9.-10. März 2022
306 KB, PDF