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Extrapolated results from financial statements of German enterprises 1994 to 2003 Special Statistical Publication 5
608 KB, PDF
Ratios from financial statements of German enterprises 2000 to 2002 Special Statistical Publication 6
Monthly Report – January 2022
The January 2022 edition of the Monthly Report discusses the changes in the secured money market and features an article on the topic of climate change and climate policy: analysis requirements and options from a central bank perspective. In addition, scenario-based valuation effects on the stock market are analysed using greenhouse gas emissions.
Zusammenfassung der geldpolitischen Sitzung des Rates der Europäischen Zentralbank am 14.-15. Juni 2023
284 KB, PDF
Revisiting the finance and growth nexus – A deeper look at sectors and instruments Discussion paper 55/2018: Robert Unger
598 KB, PDF
German enterprises' profitability and financing in 2001 Article from the Monthly report April 2003
211 KB, PDF