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Financial frictions and global spillovers Michael Grill, Björn Hilberg, Norbert Metiu
384 KB, PDF
Monthly report – November 2021
The November 2021 edition of the Monthly Report comments on the economic situation in Germany in autumn 2021.
Financial globalization and monetary policy Discussion paper 20/2008: Michael B. Devereux, Alan Sutherland
434 KB, PDF
The effect of unemployment insurance benefits on (self-)employment: Two sides of the same coin? Discussion paper 18/2021: Sebastian Camarero Garcia, Michelle Hansch
The term structure of interest rates and the macroeconomy: learning about economic dynamics from a FAVAR Discussion paper 02/2015: Arne Halberstadt
632 KB, PDF
FDI versus cross-border financial services: The globalisation of German banks Discussion paper 05/2004: Claudia M. Buch, Alexander Lipponer
632 KB, PDF
Crypto tokens and decentralised financial applications Article from the Monthly Report July 2021
209 KB, PDF