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You’re banned! The effect of sanctions on German cross-border financial flows Discussion paper 12/2016: Tibor Besedeš, Stefan Goldbach, Volker Nitsch
428 KB, PDF
Structural current account balances: longer-term trends and determinants Article from the Monthly report January 2001
178 KB, PDF
Market transparency and the marking precision of bond mutual fund managers Discussion paper 09/2014: Gjergji Cici, Scott Gibson, Yalin Gündüz, John J. Merrick, Jr.
1019 KB, PDF
Germany' s relative position in the central and east European countries in transition Article from the Monthly report October 1999
112 KB, PDF
Financial frictions and global spillovers Discussion paper 04/2015: Norbert Metiu, Björn Hilberg, Michael Grill
532 KB, PDF