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German intra-euro-area trade: cyclical effects and structural determinants Article from the Monthly report March 2007
212 KB, PDF
How do credit supply shocks propagate internationally? A GVAR approach Discussion paper 27/2011: Sandra Eickmeier, Tim Ng
441 KB, PDF
Cheap talk? Financial sanctions and non-financial activity Discussion paper 09/2018: Tibor Besedeš, Stefan Goldbach, Volker Nitsch
428 KB, PDF
Discussion of "A Gravity Equation for Bank Loans" by Brueggemann, Kleinert, Prieto Friederike Niepmann
184 KB, PDF
Discussion of: "By a Silken Thread: regional banking integration and pathways to financial development in Japan’s Great Recession" by Mathias Hoffmann Pascal Towbin
171 KB, PDF
The pricing of FX forward contracts: micro evidence from banks’ dollar hedging Discussion paper 42/2018: Puriya Abbassi, Falk Bräuning
1023 KB, PDF