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Finding relevant variables in sparse Bayesian factor models: economic applications and simulation results Discussion paper 29/2012: Sylvia Kaufmann, Christian Schumacher
343 KB, PDF
Inflation and output in Germany: the role of inflation expectations Discussion paper 05/1997: Jürgen Reckwerth
What macroeconomic shocks affect the German banking system? Analysis in an integrated micro-macro model Discussion paper 15/2009: Sven Blank, Jonas Dovern
253 KB, PDF
Efficient estimation of forecast uncertainty based on recent forecast errors Discussion paper 28/2009: Malte Knüppel
474 KB, PDF
Does lowering dividend tax rates increase dividends repatriated? Evidence of intra-firm cross-border dividend repatriation policies by German multinational enterprises Discussion paper 19/2009: Christian Bellak, Markus Leibrecht, Michael Wild
402 KB, PDF
An analysis of non-traditional activities at German savings banks – Does the type of fee and commission income matter? Discussion paper 01/2018: Matthias Köhler
912 KB, PDF
Slowdown in growth in the emerging market economies Article from the Monthly Report July 2015
204 KB, PDF
Heterogeneity in lending and sectoral growth: evidence from German bank-level data Discussion paper 04/2006: Claudia M. Buch, Andrea Schertler, Natalja von Westernhagen
578 KB, PDF
Direct investment and Germany as a business location Discussion paper 02/1997: Thomas Jost
Optimal savings for retirement: the role of individual accounts and disaster expectations Discussion paper 33/2011: Julia Le Blanc, Almuth Scholl