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FSB Continuity of Access to FMIs for Firms in Resolution - response for TARGET-Bundesbank Streamlined information collection to support resolution planning
394 KB, PDF
Act on Monitoring Financial Stability (Financial Stability Act) Revised read-only version - unofficial text -
112 KB, PDF
Reporting forms for enterprises, (maritime) shipping companies, public authorities and individuals - Annexes Z 4, Z 8 and Z 10 to AWV incl. explanatory notes
181 KB, PDF
Global monetary and financial spillovers: Evidence from a new measure of Bundesbank policy shocks Discussion paper 34/2022: James S. Cloyne, Patrick M. Hürtgen, Alan M. Taylor
The impact of carbon pricing in a multi-region production network model and an application to climate scenarios Discussion paper 07/2022: Ivan Frankovic
Germany's balance of payments in 2011 Article from the Monthly Report March 2012
215 KB, PDF
Assessments and expectations of firms in the pandemic: findings from the Bundesbank Online Panel Firms Article from the Monthly Report April 2021
263 KB, PDF