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Monthly report - December 2020
The December 2020 edition of the Monthly Report outlines Germany’s economic outlook for 2021 to 2023 and explores the informative value of national fiscal indicators in the case of debt at the European level. In addition, it describes the national implementation of the European banking package in Germany through the Risk Reduction Act (Risikoreduzierungsgesetz – RiG) and analyses the profitability and financing of German enterprises in 2019.
Optimal timing of policy interventions in troubled banks Discussion paper 10/2022: Philipp J. König, Paul Mayer, David Pothier
667 KB, PDF
Inflation distorts relative prices: Theory and evidence Discussion paper 23/2024: Klaus Adam, Andrey Alexandrov, Henning Weber
The importance of trade credit for corporate financing in Germany – evidence from financial statements statistics Article from the Monthly Report October 2012
135 KB, PDF
International financial market integration, asset compositions, and the falling exchange rate pass-through Discussion paper 17/2015: Almira Buzaushina, Zeno Enders, Mathias Hoffmann
615 KB, PDF