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Is Germany’s business model in danger?
18.09.2023 DE
The German economy is under considerable pressure to adapt, writes the Bundesbank in its September Monthly Report. Challenges are arising mainly from demographic change and the transition to a low-emission energy supply. Moreover, dependency on China for the procurement of key intermediate inputs entails risk. In the midset of the current debate concerning Germany’s alleged status as the “sick man of Europe”, the Bundesbank still sees the German economy as well positioned.
According to our analyses, broad-based deindustrialisation is not on the table either,
says Marcus Jüppner, co-author of the report. -
German balance of payments in December 2023
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €31.4 billion in December 2023, up €0.9 billion on the previous month’s level. While the surplus in the goods account decreased, the surplus in in-visible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income, ex-perienced a stronger increase.
Making the most of Europe’s opportunities: Reforms for greater prosperity and stability DIW Europe Lecture
German balance of payments in March 2023
Germany’s current account recorded a surplus of €32.4 billion in March 2023, up €9.9 billion on the previous month’s level. This was chiefly attributable to a larger goods account surplus. In addition, the surplus in invisible current transactions, which comprise services as well as primary and secondary income, rose.
Sign of the lily Gold florin of Florence
Constans was the youngest son of Constantin I the Great. He was only a boy when his father accorded him the rank of Caesar (emperor-designate). With the death of Constantin I in 337, his three sons Constantin II, Constantius II and Constans adopted the title of Augustus and divided the empire amongst themselves.
Digitalisation of payments in a globalised world Speech and discussion in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Fundación de Investigaciones Económicas Latinoamericanas (FIEL)