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The global economy during the coronavirus pandemic Article from the Monthly Report October 2021
332 KB, PDF
Zusammenfassung der geldpolitischen Sitzung des Rates der Europäischen Zentralbank am 7.-8. September 2022
289 KB, PDF
Cross-border corporate takeovers: the impact of internationalisation on enterprisesin Germany Article from the Monthly Report July 2021
218 KB, PDF
Robust real-time estimates of the German output gap based on a multivariate trend-cycle decomposition Discussion paper 35/2022: Tino Berger, Christian Ochsner
Higher wages in Germany do not materially reduce trade imbalances Research Brief | 32nd edition – March 2020
Can wage hikes in Germany contribute to a reduction in global trade imbalances? A new study answers this question. Applying a general equilibrium model, it shows that, although wage hikes in Germany reduce the country’s trade surplus, the quantitative effects are relatively small and depend on the European Central Bank’s monetary policy response.
Deposit insurance without commitment: Wall St. versus Main St. Russell Cooper and Hubert Kempf
250 KB, PDF