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Aktuelle Fragen der Geld- und Währungspolitik
94 KB, PDF
Professor Dr. Axel A. Weber, Präsident der Deutschen Bundesbank, Vortrag zum 20jährigen Bestehen der Stiftungsprofessur der Deutschen Bundesbank an der Freien Universität Berlin
Capital Markets Union: A Central Banking Perspective on the Way Forward Keynote lecture prepared for the 2nd Annual Conference of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) Community of Practice in Financial Research Capital Markets Union: Unlocking Europe’s Economic Potential
Bundesbank Vice-President Claudia Buch believes that the capital markets union helps to make the financial system more stable. Speaking at the 2nd annual conference of the Community of Practice in Financial Research in Brussels, she also highlighted the importance of better access to data and information, improved communication of the benefits of integrated financial markets, and financial literacy.
Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion: Priorities of the G20 German Presidency Special Address at the 4th OECD/GFLEC Global policy research symposium to advance financial literacy: "Addressing the needs of youth"
373 KB, PDF
Special Address at the 4th OECD/GFLEC Global policy research symposium to advance financial literacy: "Addressing the needs of youth"
A look at the euro area from a central bank perspective Keynote by Dr Jens Weidmann Second Finance Forum Liechtenstein
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann takes a critical view of the ECB Governing Council's latest monetary policy easing. In a speech in Vaduz, Mr Weidmann said that, while the need for monetary policy action was agreed, he thinks the decisions go too far when looking at the bigger picture.
Banks’ internal credit risk models: incentives for implementation and impact on risk management Research Brief | 59th edition – July 2023
Internal risk models play an important role in ensuring capital adequacy at banks. Banking supervisors keep a particularly close eye on them, as banks have some degrees of freedom when it comes to model design. A new study examines the incentives for banks to implement internal risk models, analyses their impact on risk management and explains possible consequences of a new regulatory proposal regarding application of such models.