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Moral hazard and bail-out in fiscal federations: evidence for the German Länder Discussion paper 07/2007: Kirsten H. Heppke-Falk, Guntram B. Wolff
349 KB, PDF
A macroeconomic reverse stress test Discussion paper 30/2015: Peter Grundke, Kamil Pliszka
649 KB, PDF
Government expenditures and unemployment: a DSGE perspective Discussion paper 18/2010: Eric Mayer, Stéphane Moyen, Nikolai Stähler
288 KB, PDF
Analyzing business and financial cycles using multi-level factor models Discussion paper 11/2014: Jörg Breitung, Sandra Eickmeier
395 KB, PDF
Multinational banks’ deleveraging in the crisis driven by pre-crisis characteristics and behavior Discussion paper 18/2015: Rainer Frey
698 KB, PDF
Heterogeneity in money holdings across euro area countries: the role of housing Discussion paper 04/2010: Ralph Setzer, Paul van den Noord, Guntram B. Wolff
524 KB, PDF
Credit-Market Sentiment and the Business Cycle David López-Salido, Jeremy C. Stein, Egon Zakrajšek
351 KB, PDF
Zip file containing all forms for banks' monthly balance sheet statistics PDF documents