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Heterogeneity in euro-area monetary policy transmission: results from a large multi-country BVAR model Discussion paper 03/2016: Martin Mandler, Michael Scharnagl, Ute Volz
484 KB, PDF
The third pillar in Europe: institutional factors and individual decisions Discussion paper 09/2011: Julia Le Blanc
Equity premium predictability over the business cycle Discussion paper 25/2021: Emanuel Moench, Tobias Stein
908 KB, PDF
The impact of financial market crises on the German securities markets Article from the Monthly report April 2000
251 KB, PDF
Payment behaviour in Germany in 2017 Fourth study of the utilisation of cash and cashless payment instruments
The information contained in the study is of interest to all market participants affected by the payment behaviour of private individuals, most notably retailers, credit institutions, card issuers and, last but not least, the Deutsche Bundesbank itself. Players wishing to foster more innovation in the field of payments need to offer a genuine advantage over established schemes and procedures and, in particular, to heed users’ perceived security needs.
Weltweite Organisationen und Gremien im Bereich von Währung und Wirtschaft Sonderveröffentlichung der Deutschen Bundesbank
Informationen zu Aufbau und Tätigkeiten von IWF, G7/G20, BIZ, FSB, OECD, Weltbankgruppe und ausgewählten regionalen Entwicklungsbanken sowie deren Zusammenarbeit mit der Bundesbank. Hierbei werden auch wichtige Fragen und Entwicklungen innerhalb der internationalen Finanzarchitektur thematisiert.