Confirm download
Confirming the successful download of a file in ExtraNet results in the file being deleted from the download area.
Note: Only the download of single files can be confirmed.
The phases of servlet call-up and parameter passing are as follows:
Phase | Description |
1 | The files that are to be confirmed are identified via the Dir servlet with the parameter dirKind = "DEL" and the sender. List of files and their order numbers |
2 | The URL https://extranet.bundesbank.de/FT/confirm is called up when passing the relevant parameters. The order status of the selected files is changed in the file transfer. The parameter nr is passed to the URL https://extranet.bundesbank.de/FT/confirm as an array. In response, an XML page with the following structure is returned: <?xml version="1.0" ?> <!DOCTYPE bestaetigen [ <!ELEMENT bestaetigen (message)> <!ELEMENT message (#PCDATA)> ]> <bestaetigen> <message> Auftrag/Aufträge bestätigt.</message> </bestaetigen> |
Note: At the same time, the JSESSIONID cookie must be written in the request header.
The parameters required for the confirmation are taken from the list of files in Phase 1:
Parameter | Definition | From where? |
confirmcheck | Sequential number | <nr> from the list |
Note: Multipart/form data are used as the content type.
Once the customer has confirmed that a file has been downloaded, the file is deleted and can no longer be downloaded.