Confirm download
Purpose of the function
Confirming the successful download of a file in ExtraNet results in the file being deleted from the download area.
Note: Only the download of single files (SF) can be confirmed.
The user receives a list of all the files intended for their specific institution:
- that they have already downloaded using the file download function, and;
- for which the download has not yet been confirmed.
The user selects the downloaded files in the list and thereby confirms the files as “downloaded by recipient” to ExtraNet.
Note: If users are authorised to access multiple ExtraNet institutions, the list comprises the files of all of the institutions for which they have authorisation.
Once the customer has confirmed that a file has been downloaded, the file is deleted and can no longer be downloaded.
Confirmation that the file has been downloaded successfully can be called up at a later date separately from the download.
Note: Download must always be confirmed.