4.2.3. Certificates in JSSE
Basic features
Applications in ExtraNet are secured by a server-side certificate that was created by a public certification authority.
We recommend importing the root certification authority’s (Root CA) certificate.
To identify the certificate, open your browser and go to:
- https://extranet.bundesbank.de (live environment), or;
- https://extranet-t.bundesbank.de (test environment).
and call up the necessary information through the internet options.
Determining the keystore used
The keystore used in the Java application can be determined as follows:
Step | Action |
1 | Call up the JSSE application with the debug option as follows: java -Djavax.net.debug.=ssl <application name> Result: The filename including the absolute path information of the keystore used is reproduced in the first lines of the output. Note: Further details are available in the JSSE reference guide: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/security/jsse/JSSERefGuide.html |
Importing the certificate using Microsoft Internet Explorer
The relevant certificate for the root CA can be imported to the keystore using Microsoft Internet Explorer as follows:
Step | Action |
1 | Open Microsoft Internet Explorer. |
2 | Go to Tools -> Internet options -> “Content” tab -> “Certificates” button -> “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” tab. Select the application’s current root certificate from the list and export it in the format “Base64 encoded X.509”. Result: The certificate is exported in a Base64 encoded format. Note: Once the root CA certificate has been identified, it can also be downloaded from the relevant CA’s internet site and imported into your automated client keystore. |
3 | Import the certificate with the JDK tool to the Java keystore as follows: keytool -import -file "d:\jsse\tc.cer" – keystore"D:\jdk1.4\jre\lib\security\cacerts” Note: The default password is “changeit”. If no import takes place, JSSE generates the following error message: “untrusted server cert chain” |