Reporting platform for large exposures and loans of €1 million or more


The new Regulation Governing Large Exposures and Loans of €1 Million or More (Large Exposures Regulation (Großkredit- und Millionenkreditverordnung)) came into force on 1 January 2007. Pursuant to section 8(1) of the Large Exposures Regulation, the amount details of credit reports according to sections 13 to 13b and 14 of the German Banking Act (Kreditwesengesetz) are, as of the 31 March 2008 reporting date, to be submitted by the reporting institutions exclusively in paperless format.

In order to support the reporting institutions in the paperless submission of reports, from 31 March 2008, the Deutsche Bundesbank will offer, along with the electronic submission of report files, the possibility of drafting and submitting the reports in accordance with the Large Exposures Regulation using the new ExtraNet function “Reporting platform for large exposures and loans of €1 million or more pursuant to sections 13 to 13b and 14 of the Banking Act”.

Further details

Further details about the Reporting platform for large exposures and loans of €1 million or more pursuant to sections 13 to 13b and 14 of the Banking Act are available on the Deutsche Bundesbank’s website (http://www.bundesbank.de) under Tasks/Banking supervision/Lending business as well as in the online help section.