Recherche Générale
Die Region und ihre Besonderheiten im Blick Direkteinstieg – Bankenaufsicht
25.10.2024 Aucune traduction francaise disponible
Johannes ist Teil des Teams der Bankenaufsicht in der Hauptverwaltung Bayern, wo er sich um die Stabilität der Genossenschaftsbanken kümmert. Er arbeitet drei Tage die Woche und kann dank Telearbeit seine Zeit gut zwischen seiner Tätigkeit bei der Bundesbank und seiner Arbeit als Landwirt aufteilen.
Preparation and prevention Recovery and Resolution Act (SAG)
As a general rule, all banks are required to prepare a recovery plan, which must be updated once a year and submitted to the supervisor for review.
German general government debt up in 2023 by €62 billion to €2.62 trillion, debt ratio down from 66.1% to 63.7%
General government debt in Germany increased by €62 billion in 2023 to €2.62 trillion. The basis for this calculation is government debt as defined in the Maastricht Treaty, which is harmonised across the European Union. The increase was similar to that of the previous year, but significantly weaker than in the years before. Central government debt grew by €75 billion, while state government debt continued to fall.
COREP/FINREP Common Reporting Framework / Financial Reporting Framework
Information on planned changes to the prudential reporting system.
Werkstudentische Tätigkeit
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Im Rahmen einer Werkstudententätigkeit können Sie erste Einblicke in den Arbeitsalltag bei einer Zentralbank gewinnen.
Monthly Report: German economy still stuck in period of weakness
24.10.2024 DE
According to the current issue of the Bundesbank’s Monthly Report, real gross domestic product (GDP) is likely to have contracted again somewhat in the third quarter of 2024. Output in the industrial sector and in construction is expected to have declined markedly. Despite favourable conditions, private consumption probably likewise provided only little impetus.
Lectures on the history of money
All printed editions of the lectures are out of print. The richly illustrated volumes are available in numerous libraries.
Demokratische Republik Kongo
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Die Finanzsanktionen gegen die DR Kongo dienen der Durchführung von Maßnahmen des Sicherheitsrats der Vereinten Nationen
Information on historical objects
We do not provide any information on the value and authenticity of (commemorative) coins, banknotes etc. For more information, see the following page.